Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Xmas Thoughts

It is Christmas night as I write this. I am keeping watch over my father in the hospital as he tries to sleep. He is not having an easy time of it. He has always been a big, tough, self sufficient guy and a recent virus followed by other complications means his first extended medical stay. I can tell he has plenty of fight in him and hope that when he recovers we can find some changes to improve his overall long term health.

With this short entry I just wanted to make something clear, in case I have given the wrong impression. My parents are awesome, loving, sacrificing parents. No complaints. I fell very fortunate to have been able to grow up under their care. Despite their raising me in a religious environment, I was safe and happy. They did, and do, their best and the harm that has occurred from the fundamentalism is less than they experienced because they took progressive steps as young adults away from an even older, more destructive orthodoxy. This is what I am doing, in turn, by stepping out from religion's dark shadow completely. I do not begrudge my folks, they did an excellent job. I only hope to be able to do nearly such a good job for my daughter.

Good thoughts for them all.

Merry Xmas

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Feminism And Humanism Sitting In A Tree

Somehow Feminism is a word that continues to evoke far more controversy and polarisation than one would expect. I mean, how long has it been around already? By conservative standards it can be traced back to old pictures of early woman suffrage rallies, big hats and sashes aplenty, from the infancy of the last century. Others would attach all of the struggles for women's rights throughout history to this more recent label. Either way, I think the point is clear. Feminism is not new. In fact it is a fixture in social discourse and is covered, as briefly and poorly as most topics, in the curriculum of most public schools. So why all the ongoing fuss?
First, allow me to acknowledge that there are those who hold extreme views on the matter. Most notably the "women need to know their place" on the anti-female end and "men are rapists" on the anti-male end. I'm sure many of you have shared my uneasiness as such views make their unexpected appearance in an otherwise interesting civil discussion about the sexes. Particularly irritating is when it surfaces out the mouth of someone who's been agreeing with your point of view. So fun, switching over to legal talk clarifying one's own opposition to sexism or even crazy hate talk. A bit less productive. And BTW, if you don't know what I'm talking about you need to live a less sheltered life or you, more likely, hold the lunatic views I'm addressing. For help in ridding yourself of said acidity immediately remove yourself from your religion and/or grow up and get over your painful past.

How I See Feminism

Allow me to roll about in the valley of common sense for a time, nestled between the mountain ranges of dumbass and emotional problems. Nestled here with the vast majority of you fine members of civilisation focused on real problems and trying to be better people. Despite our imperfections we do not feel the need to flex our manly muscles and push women around to feel confident about our penises. Neither do we compulsively starve or shake select naked portions of our bodies at night clubs to feel we have enough value to merit being loved.
We do what we do because we want to. Men and women but, more importantly, as individuals each in a different way. What kind of a pathetic existence it would be to ignore the beauty of your uniqueness to run after the approval of other people who exert pressure to conform to an ideal male or female social identity. Shouting at men to drive larger pickups and watch more football or bellowing like an idiot for women to try out for the fire department and not shave their armpits. Give it a rest. Let people be who they are and deal with your own damn issues.
The only thing that matters is that we respect each other and appreciate our differences, including sex. There is no shame or danger in the variations in men and women. Embrace it. Own it. Love it.

Acknowledging The Past

Many conversations about the rights of women will hinge in no small part upon the attitudes concerning the history of oppression of women and its bearing on society today. To deny that there remains a very real and prolific influence of inequality both in the material and psychological sense would be more than irresponsible. It would be insidious. Life is often in the struggle and I will not pretend to have the answers for the many often complex issues that lie in the interplay between the sexes. Gender identity and individual versus social identity are undoubtedly at the heart of the confusion but I feel we are slowly making progress. So much depends on every person taking responsibility for their thoughts, words and actions. Responsibility for maturing and putting away these outdated and ridiculous models of life portrayed on old television sitcoms.
On many occasions, despite having a penis, I have found myself taking up the flag of feminism in discussions both heated and calm. It is difficult to express how it feels to be prying open a woman's mind to the realisation that the limitations on her life have been self imposed by a systematic indoctrination stemming from her childhood and conditioning resulting from her familiar environment. Who the hell left this to me? Are you all insane? I suppose we all play our role in humanity's slow surfacing but it is a real Matrixy moment. I don't even want to get into the debates over how genetics play into it all but I will say that there are many areas of scientific research both social and biological and I encourage readers to look into them. It is amazing what can be observed.

Dealing With Assholes And Their Shit

This long journey of understanding what we call male and what we call female began for me when I was a child. I remember a determination in my heart when I would see my mother crying after an inability of my parents to communicate with each other effectively. My parents have always loved each other but like the rest of us have had to work to overcome barriers in their relationships. This can be tedious and seem hopeless at times. Some of us are laden with scars from past pain or trauma but it is critical we not give in to the darkness of hate or despair. The following is my plain portrait of lost and angry souls you should be wary of. They do not seek understanding or equality but vengeance and to spread a shared increase in suffering. Misery loves company.

Men Who Want Control-  These pathetic creatures will seek to dominate women by means religious, economic, social, physical, psychological, etc. Be ready to stand your ground or even flee if necessary in the moment. Support for the vulnerable women by men and women in her community and family is a moral compulsory action as isolation can cripple those most in need of liberation. We must all be prepared to question our true situation and be willing to make the changes needed. Am I mistreating, am I being mistreated, is someone I know being mistreated? What am I going to do about it? Because life should be free and the bonds of abusive control are destructive, immoral, and must be actively fought.

Women Who Attack- For a long time I thought that the idea of women who went through life antagonising and attacking men was a silly imagined concoction. I had not really noticed such behaviour outside of disputes where it would be expected on either side but there have certainly been a few shining examples as the years have gone by. I watched a crack-head (literal drug addict) torture a friend while he simply tried to maintain a presence in his daughter's life. Her antics were psychotic and there is a need to witness such displays to really believe. I have seen women pressure their male partner into ending friendships, quiting careers or dreams, even demanding he turn his back on family. Setting aside unusual circumstances, all of these damning behaviours stem from a place of pain in the woman's psychology. They are actions we call disorders and are every bit as unacceptable as the dysfunctional ways of their male counterparts. Odds are that this type of injustice, rather than abuse of authority or physical abuse more typically commited by men, will probably manifest as a cruel friend, demeaning spouse, or manipulative partner. They may be a participant in a feminist organisation disguising her true motivations for her involvement. This type of hatred in an equality and education movement can do serious harm and truly hurts women as surely as men.

Everyone should be vigilant in questioning their own motives, be honest with oneself, and check that their activities are productive and positively effecting the community. We can all be wrong. Catch it. Fix it.

A Few Thoughts

Equity vs Gender Feminism (One is science friendly, the other not)


An Excellent Example Of A Woman Supremacist (or possible drunk party girl on a free ride)

-Long read but worth it
-A feminist who does little to better women, much to demonize men, and tons to promote herself
-A skeptic spokesperson who attacks science and adheres to none of the principles of skepticism
-Does all of this time and again at science heavy skeptic conventions, much like the one in this video

Schools of Feminist Thought (Cindy Moore)


Wiki resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feminism

Sunday, 11 November 2012

The Cult Of Personality: Why Atheism Should Not Embrace Celebrity

Over the last year I have made it my business to become familiar with the various social realms in the atheist movement. During the same period our first serious rift has occurred and the entire atmosphere has been filled with unbelievable hostility and acrimony, leaving many declaring their neutrality or avoiding the topic altogether. I have kept my opinion relatively quiet as I attempted to gain more information about the source of this conflict and to contemplate what to think of the entire affair. The following is my assessment and explains how hoisting personalities aloft has threatened much needed gains via atheist solidarity, instead drawing lines of loyalty and pride.

The Constituent Parts Of The Atheist Community

The greater community has four major areas of focus, all of which overlap, working together. These efforts are usually relatively easy and respectful but the specialisation of each leaning is still significant and, understanding them, go a long way in explaining the conflicts of late.

Skeptics- Those who identify primarily as skeptics are focused on challenging all claims forwarded by any group or individual based on the offered weight of evidence and method of reasoning behind it. "Skepticism or scepticism is generally any questioning attitude towards knowledge, facts, or opinions/beliefs stated as facts, or doubt regarding claims that are taken for granted elsewhere." -wikipedia . I belong to a local skeptics group myself and have a high regard for the value of their work. I'm a mere amateur but learning and using these critical reasoning tools improves the quality of my life and those around me. I have found that those who most identify as skeptics often run the risk of over dependence on specific types of knowledge while being naive about others. Specifically, they tend to be masters of science and technology but deficit in psychology, making them champions in the charge against religious irrationality but alarmingly suseptible to players within the ranks.

Freethinkers- Independent thinkers. Free will, free thought, these atheists do not let anyone tell them what to think or feel. It is particularly difficult to organise freethinkers as many have escaped years of the controlling influence of organised religion. "Freethought is a philosophical viewpoint that holds opinions should be formed on the basis of logic, reason and empiricism and not authority, tradition, or other dogmas. The experience of freethought is known as "freethinking," and practitioners of freethought are known as "freethinkers." " -wikipedia . I find that those who most strongly identify as freethinkers are often prone to offer support from behind the scenes, preferring not to be drawn into public debates or expectations of public leadership probably because they no longer feel obligated to answer to anyone. They do step up when necessary and their support to atheism is significant but they can be difficult to gauge on issues of intense disagreement.

Secularists- The identity of the secularist is most heavily that of separation of church and state. The idea that all things public and shared, especially the government in every form, should not be partial to any ideology or group in society. "Secularism is the principle of separation of government institutions, and the persons mandated to represent the State, from religious institutions and religious dignitaries. In one sense, secularism may assert the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, and the right to freedom from governmental imposition of religion upon the people within a state that is neutral on matters of belief. In another sense, it refers to the view that human activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be unbiased by religious influence." -wikipedia. The very freedoms atheists enjoy to descent in our society depends on the important voice raised by secularists who are often drawn from the ranks of historians and legal experts. Unfortunately, the risk running into the "everyone for themselves" attitude seems unusually rampant with this crowd. For many the cause of working together for this separation of influence and power is for the freedom to look out for their own interests without unwarranted limitations or interference.

Humanists- Finally, we have our big hearted humanists. Their major identifying focus is on the human condition. Alleviating suffering, promoting equality, and creating opportunity for improved quality of life. This concern is not based on any notions of gods or spirits but simply the connections we all share as human beings. "Humanism is the body of philosophies and ethical perspectives that emphasise the value of human beings, individually and collectively, and generally place more importance on rational thought than on strict faith. During the Renaissance period in Western Europe humanist movements attempted to demonstrate the benefit of gaining learning from classical, pre-Christian sources, which had previously been frowned upon by the Roman Catholic Church." -wikipedia. The most likely bunch of atheists to be organising and standing on the front line of rallies and protests for a wide variety of human rights will be the humanists. The only down side is the potential of emotion to overwhelm rational discourse at times, that very passion that motivates the incredible deeds of good.

The Big Fall Down

Essentially this entire dispute of self-righteous contention began with a minor event and swelled irrationally from there. Rebecca Watson recounted being approached late one night while alone with a man in an elevator and she found it intimidating and inappropriate. Some questioned why she was making such a big deal about it while others responded by flocking to her side. What followed was several months of useless vitriol spearheaded by a small number of rather well recognised personalities within the atheist community. Waxing loyalty and stoking their egos, this small number of self anointed moral leaders has caused more than mere embarrassment as their efforts to tame and control the conversation and even the vision of the wild community. I have remembered through this turmoil the lesson of expertise being specialised in contrast to our expectation of our figureheads to be masters of all they survey. In so much, I have to say I have lost a great deal of respect for many people who have done so much for atheism in the past. Particularly those who still refuse to admit to any mistakes or wrong doing.
The lesson should not be hate. We need not throw out so many good minds and voices if only we come to grips with the lesson of the cult of personality. It isn't new, nor the destruction flowing from it's mouth. It was the shift in Roman society that paved the way for the Caesars, that stripped countless bodies of proper governance throughout history in favour of a few popular power seekers. Destructive and ultimately futile, the cult of personality will carve out and shatter any unified body in order to feed the hungry vanity of a few. As atheists we are in the unique position of not requiring any such personality worship. Our leadership should ever and only be chosen and maintained by merit of expertise and value of their contribution to any particular action or cause. Acting out? Toss them out. Let them earn their favour back though deeds and words the community can respect.
Fuck Atheism Plus, and the whores it rode in on.

A Few Personalities In Particular

The following are people who have misused the trust afforded them in their public platforms in order to demand attention and adherence to themselves. I advise you to either avoid their influence altogether of, if curious, to be wary of placing any stock in their capability to place the well being of the atheist community ahead of their own desires.

Rebecca Watson- Rebecca is supposed to be a skeptic but has demonstrated an alarming pattern of both accusing and organising to attack opponents without evidence. These are not attacks to be ignored as they include false allegations, slander, pressure brought to exclude speakers from speaking at conventions or at times even attending, and getting opponents fired from their jobs. These egregious acts are wholly unforgivable from a self professed leader in the skeptical movement. Why so many have chosen to loyally support a relatively unaccomplished 32 year old blogger who shows open contempt for men at every single speaking engagement is rather beyond me. She has taken the cause of female equality as her personal armour against all criticism and has spread the unfounded impression of wide spread sexism in the atheist community out into the general public media. In psychological terms, I believe she may be a sociopath.

Matt Dillahunty- Matt was once a lifetime evangelical in training to be a preacher when he came to his realisation that believing without evidence was irrational and dishonest. Since that time he has spent years challenging believers to "give me the evidence" on a call in show The Atheist Experience out of Texas. It is very popular and Matt has done a great deal in terms of educating the public about atheism and equipping atheists to argue their point of view in public or defend it in discussion. Imagine my anguish then as I watched Matt refuse to admit that his friends and their supporters were out of control and violating the very principals he had demanded of religious callers for so long. Attacks and insinuations without the least bit of evidence, anger and vitriol, until Matt exposed the hypocrisy with a public act of trickery. Still unable to choose reason over loyalty, sadly Matt still backs these cultists and in doing so has betrayed his own credo. He even insisted that no evidence was needed for Rebecca's accusation because "this type of thing happens". Goodbye Matt, we will miss you in the skeptic's community.

PZ Myers- Myers is a well respected biologist who also has done a great deal in debunking the Intelligent Design agenda. As with the other offenders Myers has contributed much to the atheist movement in the past but with the outbreak of Atheism Plus began to expose a much less professional, rational side to his personality. I'll just say this man's attitude towards those he disagrees with is less than cordial. He is a nasty tempered brat. Read here Most of these control freak personalities have blogs on Myers' blog site Freethought Blogs, a site created to prevent censorship and promote the expression of independent ideas. Imagine the gall it must have taken Myers to then boot off Thunderf00t, one of the site's bloggers, for expressing his thoughts freely. Disagreeing on their perspectives on feminism immediately launched censorship retaliation. And the name is still Freethought Blogs. The irony that this expulsion was an attempt to promote "diversity" within the larger atheist community is apparently lost on this self important hot head.

Richard Carrier- Carrier is an accomplished history scholar with a PhD. Once champion to many in the atheist movement, Carrier has now become the mad dog, Tom Cruise of the Atheism Plus campaign. This fool exposed to everyone the true attitudes of the god heads with a hasty and overly honest post on his blog. There is no excuse for his aspersions and having revealed his views of fellow freethinkers, he should be ignored entirely in favour of those willing to display respect or at least civility. Here are two quotes. Nuff said:
“Don’t assume that because someone else did that, that it’s covered and you can give it a miss. No, we need to show numbers. So speak out wherever you see these two sides at loggerheads, and voice your affiliation, so it’s clear how many of us there are, against them. And this very much is an us vs. them situation. The compassionate vs. the vile. You can’t sit on the fence on this one. In a free society, apathy is an endorsement of villainy.”
“Those who don’t, those who aren’t shamed by being exposed as liars or hypocrites, those who persist in being dishonest or inconsistent even when their dishonesty or inconsistency has been soundly demonstrated, is not one of us, and is to be marginalised and kicked out, as not part of our movement, and not anyone we any longer wish to deal with.”
 Wow, what a rational skeptic. So freethinking. Read more here from Thunderf00t.

Final Word

Do not trust those who tear down the accomplishments of others, especially if they have none of their own to offer. Be wary of those who claim to have such moral causes that they deserve automatic rights, respect, and submission of any kind. These things are no different than the religious traps of our past and we should all have learnt that respect is earned.

A vibrant counter can be heard here and here from Reap Sow Radio.

This is Mykeru and you should hear what he knows about this whole bunch of intolerants:

Everyone just needs to learn to mind their own damn business up in here.

Monday, 8 October 2012

The Good News

 * From the logic (?) Of my former lifelong faith *

As a true believer I find non-believers often just don't understand the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. All Christians know this as the Good News and once you understand it I know you will feel the Holy Spirit pulling your heart to Salvation!
So, the simple truth of The Good News:
God created a perfect universe but humanity sinned and so God sent his Son to be brutally executed so that a small percentage of mankind will spend a perfect eternity in heaven while the rest will roast in flames forever! You see now? What good news! I bet you can't wait to worship my God!
So let's go into a few of the little details just in case Satan tries to cause doubt by enticing you to question anything about this Gospel. Always assume it is true or you are sinning and your uncertainty will land you in hell. It is important to question everything else, but never your core faith! Ever!

Here's some answers anyway:
"I know because I have felt God's presence" or the like is always a last ditch explanation for any line of questioning. Even though emotional states have been clearly linked to a host of poor decisions, from investing in scams to groups of people getting worked up into a feral condition until they collectively murder a helpless victim, this one instance is the exception because the bible says so. And we know the bible is really the ultimate authority on everything because God made it. We know He made it because we feel it.

In review:
Feelings = truth (Bible) >
Truth = Bible (God) >
Bible = God (feelings)

This is referred to as circular reasoning and in this case a perfect never ending circle. How divine!
I should also give a quick summery of what you need to know about the Bible. It is the perfect infallible authority on all things. Most of us have no clue as to the various origins of these many ancient texts, how they were collected and bundled, or whether or not they bear evidence of alteration or authorial authenticity. Don't let that fool you! We do believe God wrote it personally but all of this scholarly stuff takes too much time. Just like reading the whole Bible, it's really big. That's what preachers are for anyway. In fact, I've noticed that many self-appointed Bible readers tend to question God and are even lead astray by concerns for things like history or science. So sad. "Paul didn't write this book"? Silly back-slider, his name is printed on the top, what else could there be to know? Now stop studying outside of Sunday school or you'll burn in hell forever.

Let's speed this up (Q&A):
Conflicts in the Bible?
You are blind spiritually.
Stories from Bible found earlier in other ancient religions?
The devil told the stories before the bible to trick us!
Church atrocities in the name of God?
Those weren't real Christians.
Something unexplained that is pleasant?
Something unexplained that sucks?
Faith is simple:
  • Never question it
  • Do what you're told
  • Think what you're told
  • Feel what you're told
  • Believe you are dirty
  • Equate your sexuality to guilt
  • Let your desperation drive you back to church for approval
  • Be motivated by fear
  • Reduce doubt by pushing rules on other members
  • Smile, Jesus loves you!
Now you understand The Good news. It's not religion, it's a relationship. Like all good relationships just cling to hope while living in terror of brutal punishment for any perceived disobedience. Gospel truth!

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Misjudging Your Community

One of the things I remember about life in the church was the feelings that acted to form and maintain the bonds between myself and the other members. Our community was created from strong sensations of loyalty, familiarity, and 'brotherly' love. I was proud of these fine qualities and promoted both their emotional and virtuous payoffs as badges of the religious faith I'd adopted and as evidence of the hand of God by way of manifest goodness in people's lives. As I grew from a tiny true believer into a young faithful it became clear to me that many expected that I would one day take on the path of leadership in the ministry. I was a natural orator, tall, booming voice, intellectually gifted, and most importantly I was a fanatic tempered only by my humanist sensibilities which Star Trek had fortunately sneakily provoked in my mind. Had I been asked about the potentially destructive nature of my community I would have been adamant that only anomalous violations of our divinely inspired and maintained collective peaceful nature was possible and any insistence otherwise would have been perceived and dismissed as defamatory attacks on the church and God. Cited historic atrocities were committed by the deceived or false Christians. Potential violence inherent in our spiritual culture? It could not possibly be so. It was unreasonable given what I 'knew' about God. It could not be true and, therefore, must not be true.

Earlier this month a blogger in Egypt began promoting a film now called "The Innocence of Muslims", an anti-Islamic movie. By this writing, only about a week later, there have been widespread riots throughout the 'Muslim' world. Attacks on Christians are common and there have been attacks on embassies of western nations, the US in particular. Government leaders and Islamic clergy have been unable to stem the violence despite calling on their followers to remember that their religion is one of peace and good order. Quoting the Quran and even appealing to a sense of general human compassion have been ignored nearly entirely while every minority within these regions live in fear as they witness the shameless barbarism that a cheap, poorly made movie has unleashed. Yes, Islam: The way of Peace. How is it that so many leaders within these Islamic communities are unable to issue any semblance of calm and rational perspective? Aren't they the teachers of the core truths? Aren't they aware of and in touch with the mind set of their own subscribers? It sure as fuck doesn't look that way.
I realize Sam Harris has fallen under serious criticism for his calls for Muslims to be openly profiled at security checks. Though I disagree with this violation of the core principles of modern constitutional law, both for being ineffectual and for the deteriorating effect on the very principles of human decency that we who oppose religious violence claim as our primary motivation, it should be remembered that such misplaced proposals arise from unpleasant realities that threaten to grow in destructive intensity as technology continues to proliferate weapons of mass destruction. Just as Harris' proposals to discriminate based on appearance are misplaced so too is the oft repeated view that Islam is not violent. History shows that all religions generate an ingrained mentality prone to a host of destructive behavior in its subjects which are far less often present apart from religious factors. Less often and less intense. Islam is not alone with its propensity towards violence, rather it is in good company with all religious systems. Isolated? The room is crammed shoulder to shoulder with dictators of divine code. When someone sneezes the others get upset. And globalization is only dumping more of these absolutist once-upon-a-time supreme rulers into an ever smaller turf. A real game of imaginary thrones.

The reason store burning mobs don't form over the release of poorly acted B movies in the 'Christian' world is not due to less emotional incitement indigenous to the culture but it is thanks to the weaker level of active belief in the central texts and traditions of the faith due entirely to the controls and benefits of the secular state. Centuries of torture and murder terrorizing those on the fringes of society was readily tolerated by ignorant desperate parishioners but a century of Christian enmasse gang warfare was simply too much to bear and, digging into our forgotten past we rediscovered our finer human qualities. These completely non-religious elements allowed us to elevate society where superstitions weighed it down. Islamic regions have not shared in this transformation, though they might be starting down the path, but this only explains why they are more prone to this particular display of inhumanity. From attempting to deny basic dignity, through equality regardless of sexual orientation or a woman's safe control over her own body, to wars raged against non-Christian nations, the west has simply moved further away from animalistic fury as we increase our distance from religious zealotry.

But the same excuses usher forth from our religious leaders when things get out of control. Clearly the disconnect is a universal constant stemming from a total ignorance of the true nature of the system they perpetuate. The cognitive dissonance is impressive. As cars burn, as children mourn their murdered parents clergy continue to be taken by surprise.
So this is a message to every member of every priesthood, everywhere around our shrinking planet, from someone who once thought just like you, saw things in the very same frame: The people you depend on to be good devotees are not what you think they are.
No sublime nature. No supreme decency from God.
They are humans. Disturbed humans. And you are the one fucking them up.

It's time to take responsibility.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

The Mystery of Bigotry

*This work is NOT my real mind set*

Mystery of Bigotry

People don't understand bigotry. There are just so many misconceptions, so many mistaken ideas. This is obvious when I am repeatedly accused of it whenever I openly discuss or shout my personal grasp of reality. My "worldview". You'd think it would give pause. Person after person, year after year, launching this term at me like some kind of dirty word. It can be so distracting when I'm shaking large signs at soldiers' funerals or trying to push through police lines to seize murderers of unborn babies.
It means racism. You know, calling Chinese people mean names or not treating black people nicely at work. It isn't right to be mean to folks. God says it's sin. Our God not all those fake heathen gods. They're evil and we need to force them out of our country and stop being so tolerant. That goes for the impure strands of our faith. They're all demon possessed and going to burn in hell for all eternity. Disembodied voices told me while I spoke to invisible beings and lurched in aggravated emotional states often in large hysterical groups. My children know too since I make them participate and shelter their young minds from any alternative perspectives. I have prepared them for adult life by teaching them that the entire world is evil and out to get them. What can we expect if we permit this to continue?
That's what they are, trying to accuse we few who know the truth. We elect, chosen, pure. Can I ignore the revelations delivered directly into my superior mind? I won't turn my back on morality like most of humanity. I won't lie. Won't steal. Won't read the wrong books or believe the wrong dreams. I refuse to trust science, schools, doctors, or non-bible books. They all have agendas to attack goodness. Immigrants, foreign cultures, interracial marriage... gay marriage! The sickest perversion that ever threatened us. Unchallenged it will seduce us all into its physical pleasures and destroy the whole world and not the good apocalypse end of the world. Can't wait for all of those angels to teach everyone that I was right by killing us all and throwing you all into never ending fire. Especially fags! We need to start rounding these worthless diseased animals up and cleanse the planet!
Just because I call evil what it is? I scream and yell, attack and threaten and you toss this word at me? It's hurtful and uncalled for. After all, I'm doing this for all of us, you and me and our families. Everyone who believes what I believe. We are acting for God and everyone else is evil and stupid. Can't you see? The fact that you fell in love with someone of another color, your parent has another religion, your kid is a homo. It's just a trial. A chance to turn tribulation to victory by cutting them off or beating them into righteousness behind closed doors. Just like a manly husband does his wife. Sin is everywhere and must be fended off or punched repeatedly out of things. Shadows, closets, boxes, people... evil hides everywhere. You are the elect, chosen to purify! I will not stop or slack! The devil whispers to me and I need to keep him quiet you damn liberal fags! It started out so small, just a discomfort and then disapproval, but has grown into being my entire life! To control society and make it right by purging the inferior and contaminated. Now that's righteousness. What else would you call it?

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Why Don't You Just Shut Up? Here's Why

Where has this Apostate dude gone?
Okay, I was gone for a few months but I'm not dead. Since my last post I have ramped up my efforts at really becoming familiar with the much expanding online Atheist, Humanist, Secularist, and Skeptic communities both online and tracking events in the real world. Not long before my first post I was not an open atheist. Back then only several trusted friends really knew and when I changed my status on Facebook one night everyone else began having different reactions. I was sometimes taken by surprise in happy or saddening ways especially as I utilised my social forums with no greater purchase than my religious acquaintances had. I am much less likely to be surprised at this point and understand more clearly what, in particular, drives me to write or speak out when so many others already do. So I am not the first to bluntly address religion but I believe I do bring my own unique view of the issues as they impact billions of lives around the world. My life is just one of countless that has felt the devastating hand of organised religion despite the fact that it was introduced and reinforced when I was young by my caring, loving parents. Let me be clear, my life has been a wonderful one and this is not to attack or lay blame at the feet of my family or larger community from my youth but to directly challenge the much larger cycle of harmful deceit that we have come to call faith.

The call for mutual respect is BULLSHIT, FYI
For generations now the various religious guilds have been going on about how everyone needs to be respectful of their beliefs and traditions. The message is a strong one often intoned on both ends of the political spectrum and carried aloft even in the modern day Sodom; Hollywood. As soon as someone speaks out about anything from the complete lack of evidence for the "historical" claims religious folk like to make, to the destructive hypocrisy carried out in the public sphere in the name of Spiritual Masters or gods, the devout scream "intolerance" and expect us to just shut our mouths.
How interesting. It may not be so insulting and pathetic a cry if at any point in history true believers had demonstrated even the occasion such respect once they crawled to power any place on the planet. Hell, they aren't even decent enough to do it now, as they cry discrimination and unfair against secular forces that are better known by the term "Constitutional Democracy".
  • Marriage Equality
  • Churches Promoting Political Candidates But Don't Pay Taxes
  • Prayer In School
  • Anti-Sex Education
  • Religion In Science Class
  • Anti-Women's Rights Over Her Body
  • you get the point, on and on...
To true, literal believers mutual respect is not possible. They are called by God Almighty, or Divine Truth to change this world and your contrary ideas do not fit into this calling. Surely you and I are blind and they are imparted with the magical goggles of truth- at best. Often, once they realise that you are not ignorant of their agenda, they switch immediately over into the incredibly nasty 'you are of the devil' mode. You haven't made clear your opposition to devotees until at least one of them has called you a liar, deceiver, under the devil's spell, or (a most disturbing one I can attest) that you are demon possessed. Hey, what happened to the mutual respect?
Oh yeah, I was making you look like an ignorant fundamentalist...

Here's just a small sample of the loving respect we can expect from those who love god so much they are willing to respectfully shove their undoubted truth straight into the secular classroom of science. And notice the serious minority position in the flock is the one guy who seems to have any real understanding of... say, SCIENCE

If it makes them happy...  Happy?

Let me start into those atheists and agnostics who like to ignore the struggle for sanity and decency raging all around them while they relax and watch some good flicks or wander about thinking themselves above it all. A very prominent excuse that is given is the "happiness" card. You know the one, from the suit of bullshit and a value of zero. Yet, behold, it is played regularly and with assumed certainty. The question then becomes, what is happiness? If believing in fairy tales, responding to imagined voices, making important decisions based on a heap of bronze age stories, expecting muttered words to change the world, waiting on invisible messengers to heal serious sickness, etc etc etc is happiness to you than i agree, let the faithful stumble on without challenge to their individual and collective arrested development. But if that is how you really feel then why the hell are you dealing with the unpleasantries of the real world? The fact that those who toss this line are not currently suffering from having their head up religion's nasty ass only shows that these very delusions are inherently contrary to true happiness. We don't  call the homeless guy talking to a dead bird he carries in his worn out pocket happy, we call him seriously ill. Especially if he starts getting too close and carrying on too loudly.

What's the harm?
So your religious buddy isn't likely to blow stuff up in the name of the most high, what harm is there in unsubstantiated extreme beliefs? Gotta love this one. This form of tolerance comes not from a place of enlightened understanding but of superiority and arrogance. Who, in good conscience, would allow their friend or family to believe in invisible goats that whisper cosmic truths into their chosen ears so that they could share this knowledge to save us all from the destruction drawing nigh for the Earth? Apparently many non-believers. There is this unbecoming underlying attitude that the religiously minded are simply... well, simple. The non-believer feels pity that anyone should be so diminished mentally or emotionally as to think in religious terms. There is rarely, you see, any good to come from attempting to reason with the pathetic follower. After all, do we expect monkeys to speak proper English and wear suits? Besides the ones we elect. Though I find this attitude offencive it is only fair to point out that it is usually adopted without malicious intent by people who have grown up without fundamentalism forced on them or have really never experienced what it is like to be surrounded by a sea of religiosity.
Having experienced both and having been a fundamentalist for the first twenty-some odd years of my life I can only urge people to educate themselves about the reality of the phenomenon. As a believer I had zero doubts that I and my church served and were led by God almighty and was often a part of conversations we would hold shamelessly in our meetings about how all opposed points of view from non-believers were hopelessly ignorant from the darkness of sin or the evil of Satan. Regardless of what we said about coexisting with other religions, traditions, or ideas we always intended to work actively to attain our God's will for ALL OF MANKIND. Don't have faith? You still can't teach your kids in school about evolution, safe sex, or that women have the right to have abortions. In fact, the very fact that you didn't share our religious ideology only made it more important that we try to use any trick in the book to convert your children, particularly at school. To hem in your godless ways in the workplace. To take over your government and reform it to God's plan and lock out all of the undesirables possible.
The faithful simply don't talk to outsiders about it. Not you, easy go lucky non-believer. To you it's smiles, dinner, or watching our kids play together.
There is no limit where eternity is concerned. Father is dying? We'd try to send someone in to convert them as they lay suffering. Stories of nurses or doctors talking religion and hell to the captive dying behind the family's back was met with affirming 'amen's. Child just died? We send in the converters to find the vulnerable grievers when they most want to believe in an after life and heaven. Or should you become diminished in your old age rest assured they will be making the rounds, particularly if you are lonely.
Keep assuming that religious delusion is harmless. But I can tell you from inside knowledge that they will come for you, they will come for your children, your family, your friends. It causes pain, division, and will always try to strip away the most important gains of modern free society.

Let's not be so naive. Religious thought is very dangerous and in a very real way.

Saturday, 26 May 2012

Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011) by The Thinking Atheist

Here's an introductory sample of the giant, Hitchens, through a tribute from an excellent source of media, information, support, and more; The Thinking Atheist (Which I have a link to)

I believe he died of very painful cancer which he fought until dying at age 62.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Don't Bring Your Sword To A Gunfight

2 - Know your stuff

The inevitable tactic of virtually all religious folk who are active and read in their faith will be to turn discussions from the topic at hand to your own lack of faith. I know that ministers actually teach their congregations to practise this sort of strategy in order to convert unbelievers and authors who promote it certainly know what they are doing. Most church goers will not be able to reason out their faith coherently when tested by an informed mind and this tactic is chiefly designed to shield the average religious layperson from the appropriate level of doubt they should be experiencing. The important thing is to bring the discussion back around and let them know you are interested in exploring the issue rather than getting too far off topic.

More important is the sense of well being you deserve to experience with a well rounded and constantly expanding education not hampered by fear or guilt ridden superstition. The following is a handy list of authors you may want to check out.


More than any other author I highly recommend Bart D Ehrman, who is not listed there, a bible history scholar of world renown. He lost his own faith as he studied the physical bible through history and studied the actual manuscripts the modern day bible is based on. his work is earth shattering to ministers attempting to control a discourse. In fact, many have already been taught about the mistranslations, added stories, forged authors, etc but chose to hide this knowledge from average church goers. If they have formal education at all, that is. You will find that without the bible or equivalent holy text to their particular religion, religious promoters and apologists have nothing much to offer. Here is his page, all his work is excellent.


For science, particularly evolution, i most recommend reading Richard Dawkins. Though he addresses a wide range of issues from the perspective of an atheistic perspective i find his ability to clearly lay out the facts of science in a way both uniform and understandable to non-scientists like myself. Dawkins has earned his reputation as a tireless advocate for reason and decency around the world and his multi platform material will peel back the layers of false assumptions impressed upon you. There is a reason he is so widely reviled in religious circles and those are the only good reasons to be reviled. Courageous honesty, and humane integrity. A good starter would be his "The God Delusion." Here's his site.


For social philosophy I highly recommend the late Christopher Hitchens. Again, this author and speaker covered a great many issues in his work but unlike the other recommendations I have made Hitchens forged his reputation and developed his ideas on life not just in the classrooms of his extremely good education but most notably in the field of real life. A few highlights include meeting Fidel Castro during the Cuban revolution while still a student, losing his mother in a horrible suicide after she joined a cult, and running for safety in live urban battle zones, giving a frightened woman his flak jacket as they ran. This is the guy who lived the life that would make most intellectuals shit their pants. Yet, an intellectual he was. "God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything" is amazing and "Hitch 22" is his impressive autobiography. This is an unofficial site for his works.


Finally I'll give Sam Harris. He's the brain man (neurology ;) but his intensive and often overwhelming reason have made him one of my favourite atheist Authors and speakers. You will need to read his work more than once to grasp the fullness of his extensive exploration of the topics he addresses. No one covers the human psychology of religion as well, though some of his social views have been found controversial. I plead with you to read "The Moral Landscape" and check out his site.

There. A few good bullets for that intellectual gunfight. Remember these are just a few of my own favourites.
I'll give more next time!

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Rules Of Engagement

I have been quite distracted with an unexpected number of troubles with believers for the last few weeks. It should not be underestimated how many people will strike at you for not conforming and refusing to be silent. It was still surprising. With family there were misunderstandings to be cleared up. With my old pastor there was a snub and refusal to discuss minor points of his public teaching. And a friend caused me a great deal of pain. An atheist who strangely judges me for speaking out about my views. But I guess we all have our difficult times and judgement can arise from anywhere.

Perhaps this is the best way for me to proceed, then, is to lay out the most significant issues to be aware of as one comes to question religion. Besides the fact that people will get upset, that is. Let's begin with this;

1 - They Have No Authority Over You

Religious people may seem lovey dovey at first but one of the very first things they will do is begin to establish a sense of authority over you. It is rarely spoken of openly but it is essential for any religious movement in order to maintain control over it's members. This was brought to mind by the "I'll pray for you" response from the man most responsible for the internal torments of my childhood this week. So why would he not discuss basic issues around his most repeated and publicly condemning messages? Like most religious leaders he is actually not used to being challenged. There is no need to explain beyond the rules of dogma because they have already instituted a system of religious authority. He resorted to asking if i was a good believer "right with God" and then refused any further discussion.

In other words, if you ask too many questions they accuse you of being unfaithful or even blasphemous. Notice that this is an excellent way to never apply rational examination to any belief or explain why these beliefs are healthy, let alone true.

As in my situation, they often use the "love you" language while side-stepping your questions and demeaning your value as a fellow human being just as capable of intelligent thought and just as entitled to good reasons for beliefs. Especially if you have been a participant in, or raised under their religious institution, you have every right to some answers. If they will not give them, the answer is that they disregard your value as a fellow human being.

I suggest the following;

 -Try to remain calm, but do not use timid language. You are equals.
(I called my old minister on using blatantly deceptive misinformation on his public blog, and informed him that without further explanation I would have to consider it to be lying)

-Do not accept their statements that you are defying religious authority as substitution for real explanations.
-Don't let them side track the discussion. Always be prepared to bring it back to your question.
-Do not harass. If they are uncooperative, eventually you need to walk away. It isn't worth it.
-Be prepared. Do your own reading and research before this confrontation. These people can be very convincing and at times belligerent.
-Probably best to do 1 on 1. No good being overwhelmed by their numbers. It's the discussion that is important. The issues.

Remember, you are not alone. The questions you are asking are very healthy and can only lead to better knowledge and understanding.

Be good. Do good.

*in the future i will post some good sites for resources and materials*

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Alright! Here we go, my first blog post!
If you've ever been raised under the weight of religion, joined a faith and then found yourself doubting, or just looked at the whole phenomenon from the outside and wondered what the hell is the deal with these people, than this is a place to talk, read, share and learn.
My home was loving, free of abuse, and middle class. I have been very fortunate but the religion that was pressed into my young mind and the pressure from my church community to excel in the faith of evangelical christianity was a destructive force that caused me unbelievable pain and turmoil. My parents moved into a more modern form of the faith from their parents and now I continue this spirit by leaving it's grip and standing up to it's ignorant advocates. I'm not looking for a fight, usually, but the truth is that religion is dangerous and has no hesitation in bringing the battle to everyone else's doorstep. Literally.
Have you ever felt badly about spouting or silently supporting hurtful accusations at women, gay people, or any group other than your own?


This is conscience. It is in you and not in old texts or insecure men who shout at you.

I am not just some heathen, i am an apostate.

Let me share with you my inside insights and dramatic facts that reveal religion for what it is.

Lies fuelled by fear.

I have crawled out of the mud of ignorance and have evolved. Join me!