Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Alright! Here we go, my first blog post!
If you've ever been raised under the weight of religion, joined a faith and then found yourself doubting, or just looked at the whole phenomenon from the outside and wondered what the hell is the deal with these people, than this is a place to talk, read, share and learn.
My home was loving, free of abuse, and middle class. I have been very fortunate but the religion that was pressed into my young mind and the pressure from my church community to excel in the faith of evangelical christianity was a destructive force that caused me unbelievable pain and turmoil. My parents moved into a more modern form of the faith from their parents and now I continue this spirit by leaving it's grip and standing up to it's ignorant advocates. I'm not looking for a fight, usually, but the truth is that religion is dangerous and has no hesitation in bringing the battle to everyone else's doorstep. Literally.
Have you ever felt badly about spouting or silently supporting hurtful accusations at women, gay people, or any group other than your own?


This is conscience. It is in you and not in old texts or insecure men who shout at you.

I am not just some heathen, i am an apostate.

Let me share with you my inside insights and dramatic facts that reveal religion for what it is.

Lies fuelled by fear.

I have crawled out of the mud of ignorance and have evolved. Join me!

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